Model Rocket Simulator

The model rocket simulator attempts to calculate the maximum altitude of your rocket based on some parameters. This simulator is not meant to replace expensive applications such as RockSim, but hopefully it still has a use for people who can't afford RockSim or just want to run some quick simulations.

I am working on a version of the simulator for clusters of rocket engines. I am continually adding to our rocket engine database, but if there is an engine you would like to see here that isn't already please let me know, and I'll do my best to add it.

NEW!! The rocket simulator now accepts rocketry a variety of different units (pounds, ounces, grams, inches etc).

Simulate your rockets altitude and velocity throughout your rockets flight

Rocket Name:
Rocket mass:  
Rocket Diameter:  

Drag Coefficient of rocket:

Diameter of parachute:  
Time Period Increment (in seconds):
Simulation end time (in seconds):
Rocket Engine Type:

Notes: The drag coefficient is a dimensionless number which is and indication of how aerodynamic your rocket is. For a normal rocket this would be 0.75, although this can be adjusted slightly depending on your rocket (the smaller the number the more aerodynamic the rocket).


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Horizonal Line

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